Wednesday, April 26, 2017


   I left this blog for good. three years since I last posted anything. How ironic my latest post is actually a homework. well, as a starter, what is CALL? "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning"  Levy (1997). this course gave me the motive to actually use technology for not only teaching but to teach with fun! I haven't been a fan of technologies used in Education. As a student, it's been always a struggle focusing on the lesson when my teachers used PowerPoint. This course made my life much easier. I realized it's never been the technology that gave me headaches, but my teachers lack knowledge of using technology probably. I learned throughout CALL that technology has a wide range of appropriate applications and multi-medias that can save a teacher's time to focus on things that a computer cannot explain. furthermore, this course gave me an idea on how to prepare an appropriate lesson for your students by the evaluation of technology. However,  I don't  seem to let go of the old school fashioned lessons. where the teachers used posters, pictures, and games on the board.etc. Maybe CALL is easier but for me, I think to rely on computers for everything in the lesson is too much. A bit of balance between old school teaching and CALL is more relaxing for the eyes, and it bonds the teachers with their students more. Eventually, I enjoyed this course very much, it was easy to absorb although I think my Dr has some hard feelings for me because I'm always late, but I managed to survive. just kidding, she's a bit harsh on me but she's a great Dr.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

النوالُ الموحِشُ

أكتبُ لغائبةٍ ليسَ لها أن تسمعَ و تُؤنِسُ ..

أصُبُ فقدها في أوراقي فتَخطِفُ الدموع حِبرَ أقلامي ..

انتِ الحبُ البعيدُ المؤلمُ .. 

انتِ العين التي أرى بها الفردوس طريقاً في العُتم الدامِسُ..

انتِ مستودع الحُبِ الذي ولى..

قد طالَ الفِراقُ و طالَ بِيَ الألمُ..

أخجلُ أن يَمرَّ يومٌ لا أدعو فيه لكِ رحمةً مِن الباري و يغفر..

ذاقَ الأحباب نوالك و لم أذق أنا إلا النوالَ المُوحِشُ

يا الله كيفَ لي ان اصبر على فراق النوالِ المُبهِجُ ؟

يا الله لا اعتراض لقضائك..

و لكن الاشواق تقتل المؤمن..

رحماك ربي اقذف في قلبي صبراً ..فمالي غير بابِكَ مَخرجُ ..

shahad almulify 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

تعالي أرتبك ...

تتراقص الكلمات أمامي تمازحني و تنتظرني لألتقطها 

أصُبُها و أرسمها و أغنيها في أوراقي

تعذبني و تُؤرقني 

هي ملهوفة و سعيدة و أنا تائهة مسكينة 

أنا التي أتوه في جُملي أبحث عن معنى 

معنى يفهمه البسطاء من حولي 

لعل شعوري مجرد بعثرة 

فالكلمات تاهت بين رحمتي 

او لربما صرت أنا ضحية كلماتي 

و لأنها تعلم أنها ترهقني 

تطيل الرقص أمامي 

تداعبني و تخنقني 

تعالي يا عنيدة .. تعالي لأوراقي 

أريدك لي حبيبة يا كلماتي يا حروفي

مالك مبعثرة ؟؟

تعالي ارتبك و ابني لك أغصانا 

يا جميلة . .  يا مغرورة 

كم أحبك يا عربية يا راقيه 

 . . تعالي ارتبك 

Shahad almulify.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happier alone.

I'm full of flaws
I'm human.
I'm guilty of loneliness
'cause they love me and I don't.

Sipping my coffee with lots of  joy
Always drowning in its savor.
Like a child feeling high.

I look blue because you're gone.
But blue is good when you see the sky.
I'm a blue ocean full of scars.

I'm far as the mountains.
You can't catch me.
I can't catch myself.

I'm a game
play me right
win my heart.

Whispering in the dark
Sad and sorrow.
leave me alone.

Isolation what fits
my unbearable soul.
I'm different.

Myself concerns
please God take me in peace.

Love me less
respect me more.
don't get trapped
at the end i'm happier alone.

Shahad almulify.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A blink of an eye

I can see lavenders swinging above my head and the smell of jasmine in the air as you're here with me. you were always here but I've never knew I'd love you this much .. Her love's growing everyday in my heart like a plant that gets water from the beautiful words she speaks with her mouth.  you took my mind unbelievably in a blink of an eye ..I would write love stories about your affectionate little heart .. And now I have found the real meaning of life I'm so scared to lose you entirely showed me the brightness when it was all dark gave me the hope I forgot about ..I wake up everyday with your name approaching my mind reminding me to thank God for having you around..your elegance presence gives me the greatest joy as I see your face beautifully illuminated by your kind soul ..people will read this and love you automatically 'cause you have the magic of making everybody be in love with you..

your strong will and patience interested my anger storms and it changed me to a wiser grown up girl , you gotta be proud of your self 'cause mam you've changed me unconsciously when no one ever could !

you're the bless I don't wanna lose 
you're the mother I've lost ..
the most beautiful aunt in this world. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

A little chatting

Life is a test we need to pass to be relieved. We may get lost in hard times but yet there is always a way to be found ! things are not always by our side. The heart can be broken hundred times and it can't be fixed unless we made some changes inside for the sake of survival. Our souls need to be fed with books and the worship of God as well as a car need to be filled with fuel. Enjoyment is the key for satisfaction so enjoy every sec of your life . A new day need to be lived fairness so let yesterday pass and move on.
Always forgive whoever harmed you , broke you or disappointed you because even tho they made you cry once they also made you stronger and wiser !. Let your mind live a moment of meditation far away from the noises and distractions. Let it think about what happened the past years and what you have really achieved. start accomplishing your dreams instead of just following them because being behind won't get you any more further indeed it will put you in the position of failure. It's a shame that we have in our generation many smart and gifted youth yet they waste all their energy mostly in bed and shopping. You have to start finding yourself and develop your skills for good so we can put a limit for the puerility in this country. If we want the best for this country we have to start moving forward not backward. Yes we were born to be responsible for our country and once we were "خير أمة أخرجت للناس" we still can be and a little foolishness and laziness won't change the fact I believe . So let us start working for excellence and put an end for the puerility. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Imaginary friends

It happened that my grandmother suffered hardly with Cancer and left us lost behind ..
Cancer took her away while I was 10 years old..
I was so young that I couldn't understand what is death..

" What is death ? " 

I kept asking my imaginary friends in my head and they answered :
Sweat heart , Death is when your mission on this earth is done and it's time to leave ..
I asked : Does it hurt ? to be dead ?
they answered ..
No darling you just leave this world in peace and you be in a better place that smells so good and full of roses just like you..
Death is when you wear a silk white long dress that make your face shine like a beautiful angel.
death is when all your problems are gone and you be fearless 'cause there's nothing to be afraid of anymore
Then I wanna go to death with my grandma and mom .. they seem to be happy there and I'm here feeling so alone without them .. Could you lead me ? to their place ? please ..
Yes shahad we could take you but only when your time comes ..
and when is that ? would it take long ?
Well, we don't know exactly but until then you have to be strong. you have to face this life first.
If you want your death to be a relief you have to work for it to get it.
Shahad! don't you ever fall for the devil and always be kind to people.
never harm people and forgive who ever harmed you.
help who needs you and pray for them.
respect the Elder and take care of the youngest.
And pray for Allah everyday like it's your last.
Lately I miss talking to my imaginary friends and I tried to re-connect them in my head but unfortunately I didn't have any answer .. they're gone forever I guess
Thank you for being there.

Shahad almulify