Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Water in your face

She was sitting in the porch while her long brown hair waving with the dusty wind hopefully she gets a response from her beloved solider ..
a completely yellow and almost black is all she can see from her porch with the sound of their guns and their bombs that sounds clearly like her heartbeats ..
Her big belly holding a cute angel inside .. and another who barely understands what's happening around..
*whispers from the inside*

"He got killed in his tank" ,
 "oh my god no it can't be true!! " ,
 " poor wife ..  poor kids "
she ran like a feather inside and stood with silence hoping it's not her love who just died ..
a soft hug from her sister , she whispered " I'm sorry for your lost " ..
like a knife getting in and out her chest .. her body felt completely heavy. She couldn't hold herself anymore
she fell on her knees crying in silence with his voice crossing her mind and the image of the day he left..

While he was resting his head on her belly he said " This boy shall see his father .."
He held her hands and looked right throw the eyes and said
" You are the air I'm breathing and I will protect you every step of the way even if it caused me my own life "

A kiss to his little hopeless family that turned to be the last ..
The sound of his footsteps walking to the outer door with his face that covered with silent tears
 " darling , Stay still ..stay strong" he said
like he already knew it's goodbye ..

she woke up to reality and embraced her little boy warmly ..
" Mama , why the water in your face ? *wiping it with his little hands* "
" you are not beautiful with water in your face , I love you when you smile , please smile for me "
That's when she realized that she is the protector now and only God can help her.

years have passed and time has forgotten yet his ghost kept stopping by ..
holding her with his warm arms whispering in her ears "Darling , Stay still .. stay strong , stay still .. stay strong.."

In the memory of : Iraq invasion of Kuwait
Based on a true story with a little of my imagination
Shahad almulify.

Friday, June 20, 2014

We are not fancy dresses.

Most of us must have been into a situation of being owned by other people whether they are your friends , your cousins or your siblings ..
yes I was living in the hole of ownership but I wasn't the owner . I was owned !
I was one of their favorite video games , play me whenever they're bored
why don't they get it ? That people are not their fancy dresses only to be worn in parties.
We are souls in need to be filled with love , trust and joy 
God didn't create us to be your entertainment source
people are born to build their own life not to be a base for others.

getting a bunch of slaps wasn't enough for me till one day I realized 
is this really worth it ? 
In every breakdown you collect and re-build the fallen pieces of your heart when they're laughing around like they never cared 
laughing around never bothered themselves to even FAKE a call to see how you're doing.
where have you been when I died a million times and needed you the most to be by my side?
to help me and rise me up?!
to hold my hand and pick up with me the fallen pieces of my heart ! 
Yes I'm funny and chatty , I dance all the time , I make jokes , yes I admit that it's more fun having me around 
but there was a time when I fell apart .. and couldn't just pretend to be funny for you to accept me around
you supposed to be there for me but all you did is letting me down
I'm sorry for being so dark and couldn't share my feelings with you but the truth is that I have been throw a lot and I didn't get the time to think of any of you no matter how important you are 

The funny thing here that when they need you , you're the first to be by their side without being noticed
you just pass away when your work is done and you get nothing but forgetfulness

hey whoever reading this if you felt your heart aching because you just remembered whoever done this to you yes I can feel you.
in fact we all do because I believe we all have been throw this.
I just want you to know that you are a great person holding so much love in your heart and you just can't stop forgiving who's so important to you whether they care or not
yes you are a person who's born with kindness and we're blessed to have you around !
whoever you are I want you to feel strong and believe that without having you in our life we'd all be lost!
 I LOVE YOU because I know how it feels to be shut out by your beloveds and yet you don't stop thinking about them . I love you because as much as I shut you out you kept calling me and never said goodbye. I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE.

Shahad almilify.